When I started to design the first website, I could never imagine the World Wide Web would evolve so dramatically and fast! It has been a wonderful journey. The journey began and will never end...
Terri Tsoi - UI/UX/Web Designer
It all began with a turquoise Apple iMac computer...
Once upon a time, I stumbled into Design Field and got mesmerized by it. I’ve been happily working here and there in the field.
One day, sipping a cup of cappuccino in front of a MacBook Pro at work, my memory flashed back to the days that I was using a turquoise Apple iMac desktop computer as a marketing officer. Design wasn’t the marketing job duty that I was assigned. I proactively took over that extra work simply because I wanted to do it and designing made me happy.
I took on more and more design projects, which were previously collaborated with an outside design firm after I planned it and wrote the copy. I designed those posters, leaflets, catalogues and newsletters with self-taught CorelDraw, PageMaker, Photoshop and any possible way. My boss was very happy with my design work and efficiency and so bought a fancy turquoise Apple Mac exclusively for me. Then I got an official praise from the top management for the ultra design and tech talent.
My design passion went on farther and eventually led me into pursuing a masters degree at Academy of Art University in San Francisco.
I enjoyed creating things. Little did I know that I would become a web designer.
I got started to design websites and digital stuff by chance while running my design company. When no one in the team was able to do the web design project, I tried all my ways to learn it and completed the web design project. From then on I designed more and more websites and web stuff by demand. Every project was different, I made every endeavor to solve the problem. It was fulfilling!
With a flair for Digital Design, I’m more than happy to tackle new challenges that are coming my way...